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Please Join the GHS Diamond Club!









The GHS Diamond Club provides the Greenwich High School Baseball Program with resources and support needed to enhance the season for players and coaches of all three teams - Varsity, JV, and Freshman. The GHS Diamond Club supports the team beyond what the modest school budget offers. The Diamond Club covers the cost of additional uniforms, team gear, on-field equipment and improvements, Game Changer memberships, player development and college recruiting technology, coaches’ professional development, winter workout coaches and scholarships, special events, yearbook, banquet and other miscellaneous expenses.


Your membership fees and donations are the program’s single greatest source of funding. The GHS Diamond Club raises funds to ensure that our student athletes have the best experience possible. 


We need your support! Regardless of the amount, please consider making a contribution to the GHS Diamond Club. Our goal is to have 100% participation! Membership is strongly encouraged, greatly appreciated, and completely voluntary.


2024 GHS Diamond Club Member Sponsorship Levels


Grand Slam:   $1500                            Homerun:   $1000

Away game sandwiches                                  Away game sandwiches    

Full-page yearbook tribute ad                                 1/2 page yearbook tribute ad

2 banquet tickets                                                    1 banquet ticket

GHS Baseball blanket                                             GHS Baseball blanket

Large Cards Baseball cooler tote                            Cards Baseball cooler

Greenwich Cardinals Baseball car magnet              Greenwich Cardinals Baseball car magnet


Triple:   $500                    Double:   $250              Single:   $100

1/4 page yearbook tribute ad      Cards Baseball cooler                  GHS Baseball car magnet

1 banquet ticket                           GHS Baseball car magnet                                                           Cards Baseball cooler

GHS Baseball car magnet


If you wish to support the GHS Diamond Club with a contribution of a different amount, 

please mail check to the address below OR Zelle at



​Diamond Club Sponsorship Levels

*A 3% processing has been added to all online credit card payments


As an alternative to a credit card payment,

you can submit a check payable to: 

GHS Diamond Club


Please mail to:



c/o Joseph McHugh

88 Glendale Place

Port Chester, NY 10573


Zelle -


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